Disable IPv6 on Ubuntu 16.04 Permanently

If you want IPv6 disabled permanently on an Ubuntu 16.04 system, here’s a good way to do it. Disabling it like this should keep it disabled permanently, even after performing updates that could potentially enable it again without you knowing it. I haven’t tested it, so I’m not 100% certain, but if you decide to upgrade Ubuntu to 16.10 or the most recent version, it should still have ipv6 disabled …

My dad hasn’t seen Breaking Bad

Today, I found out that my dad has NOT seen Breaking Bad (yet). Even though I mentioned the show numerous times to both my parents and tried to convince them to at least try and see for themselves if they would like it or not. The fact that my dad has never done so, is, as you will all understand, totally unacceptable. Now I know that he’s mostly just interested …

Wifi networks on WAP321

I own a Cisco WAP321 wireless access point, and it’s a pretty neat device because it allows you to create multiple different (separated) Wi-Fi networks. For home use, that option is not really very interesting. Well unless you want guests in your house to use a different Wi-Fi network so that they won’t stumble upon your file server and find your huge collection of ‘out of the ordinary’ weird, cheap, …