Today, I’ve reached the mark of 500 subscribers on my YouTube channel. It may not be that much, especially when compared with popular YouTubers. But for me, it’s special nevertheless. So thanks everybody!
Ubuntu is also a political party?
I was watching the results of yesterday’s voting elections and found out that there’s a local political party in Amsterdam called Ubuntu so I was like WTF!?
Jules Deelder @ Jinek
Jules Deelder at his “best” at talk show Jinek. It’s worth watching the complete show because it’s an adventure for all the other guests right from the start till the end.
Time flies when you’re geeking out
I’ve been really busy these last few weeks setting up all sorts of IT related things since I moved to a new home with a 500 Mbps fiber connection to the mother-milk-tit we call the internet. I was really getting into learning all there is to know about the 100% free Sophos UTM for Home use. But when I messed up the whole configuration and basically broke it, I decided …
New URL for WordPress site
I love WordPress a lot, and I decided to host a brand-new WordPress blog at the address currently showing in your address bar. Importing all my older WordPress content failed because the gap between the database versions was too big. And I could not be bothered to go through the whole process of converting them because who cares, right? New posts will be located at this subdomain address from now …