Ant Media Server on Ubuntu 18.04

This short guide will show you how to install Ant Media Server (Community Edition) on a Ubuntu 18.04 VPS server. Ant Media Server is a fork of Red5. The community Edition is free, but it does have it’s limitations that can be unlocked by purchasing a license. It runs on Java so we’re also installing that on our server. The server that I used in this example has Nginx installed …

Fix the Nginx module in Webmin (Ubuntu 18.04)

For a long time now, the Nginx plugin that exists for Webmin did not work after installing it on Ubuntu/Debian. I never got around to figure out how to fix this but today I did. Here’s how to fix the Nginx plugin in Webmin on a Ubuntu server. Now in all honesty I have no idea what step of all the steps below did the trick of actually getting it …

Video source missing

Thunderdome Tattoos van Vlaamse Gabber Nick

This clip is from Spike TV. Some tattoo show, I can’t remember the name. If you like the video, you should really subscribe to my channel because YouTube wants you to do so. As you can see from the image below, I need 1000 subscribers before YouTube will start paying me money for my YouTube content. So everybody SUBSCRIBE!

Corona Drones!

When I heard about these Corona drones on the news I immediately imagined a scene similar to what you see in the video… And I couldn’t sleep until I actually finished creating this video. I have no idea why, since it’s not even funny. Ah well, at least it kept me inside the house for the whole evening, and Corono outside, so that’s something. Right?

Breaking Bad Again

My dad still hasn’t seen Breaking Bad but never mind that right now. I watched the whole series for the 4th or maybe 5th time now. Seems like the more you watch it the better it gets. It’s just indescribable so I’m not going to try again. But I do want to talk about the episode that comes before the series finale episode. I noticed today that it gives me …

Block all traffic from a Geo-located country with UFW firewall on Ubuntu

Update 30-7-2023 – This post is a bit old. I have written a new article on the subject. Check it out here: I was noticing some really strange requests in my web server’s log files on a VPS that I manage. Requests that seem to be focused on finding vulnerabilities or exploits. Turns out, most of the originating IP addresses are from China. Since the VPS is not behind …

Banjo Guy Ollie

It’s been a while, but I’ve stumbled across a Youtuber that I got very exited about during my most recent Youtube-binge-watch, or rather said; my most recent descent in to the dark abyss that I call my personal “Recommended list” on Youtube. But I made it back!! I’m here, I’m doing ok. There’s nothing to worry about. For now at least… I realize that this guy has probably been an …

Configuring DNS-Over-HTTPS on RaspberryPi running Pi-Hole

In this article I will show you all the steps you will need to set up DNS-over-HTTPS to Cloudflared on a Raspberry Pi that’s running Pi-Hole on RaspBian Stretch OS. This is called an Argo Tunnel. Now you might think to yourself; What does all this even mean? Let me explain… A Raspberry Pi is a really cheap tiny computer that has very low power consumption. These tiny computers costs …

Unforeseen Consequences

As and old fart I remember playing games like Half-Life and Half-Life II and of course Counter-Strike when it was still just a beta mod for HL. I played Counter-Strike for countless and many of times. Also I played Half-Life and HL2 (source) even more. This is why I can really appreciate this docu video on Youtube that is all about HL and it’s history and everything else related.


Many good things are coming next summer. This is one of them! Other one being classic servers of course. And yes I’m a middle-aged man who loves both these things.

How to setup Nginx+RTMP live stream server

IMPORTANT UPDATE! These guides may be outdated. Please see the new guide here: I made a couple of Youtube video’s with some instructions on how to setup your own private live-stream server using Nginx running on Ubuntu 18.04. . Click on the CONTINUE READING link below to see a copy of the variables that I used in the video’s. You can also find it on my Pastebin if you …

Elon Musk speaks with Joe Rogan podcast

Joe Rogan’s podcast from last Thursday where he speaks with Elon Musk has gotten a lot of attention the last couple of days. Mostly because Elon smokes a joint with Joe. I personally don’t think that’s a big deal and I know that this happens regularly on Joe’s podcasts so I don’t see what all the fuss is about. What I find far more interesting is the talk itself, because …

Gutenberg is coming to WordPress! Soon!

Gutenberg is a feature that has been under development for a while now, will be released with version 5 of WordPress in the very near future. Until that time, it can be installed as a WP Plugin if you wanna try it out. I’m pretty exited about this cause it looks pretty awesome to me. The designers are already thinking ahead and here is how they see the future of …

Main rules of the Internet

Today I was in a conversation and I wanted to refer to a very famous rule that belongs to “the main rules of the internet”, but I couldn’t remember it so that conversation went weird really fast. So after I googled it and it turns out it I was trying to refer to rule 34. I also took a serious good look at all the other rules of the internet, …

BFA is just around the corner

And with BFA I mean the new Word of Warcraft expansion Battle for Azeroth. This new expansion will be released exactly one week from now. The last expansion Legion was one of the best expansions we’ve seen over the years. I’ve enjoyed it very much. But to be honest I stopped playing World of Warcraft several months ago. And this freed up a lot of time to other things that …