Important update notice on a very popular post on this website.

My post on how to create a secure adaptive bit-rate HLS stream with Nginx/RTMP/Ffmpeg on Ubuntu 20.04 is by far the most popular content on my website. About 60% of all visitors come to that page through Google. I have an essential message to everybody who followed this tutorial. You should really edit a couple of lines in your nginx.conf in case you are using adaptive bit rate streams, sooner rather than later. If you don’t, it will eventually stop working at some point. For example, after performing updates for FFmpeg or the operating system. I edited the original post and inserted a new paragraph that contains all the info you’ll need at the very top of the page. So make sure to read it asap, if any of this applies to you. Here.

The tutorial is slowly becoming a bit outdated, so I just started working on a new, updated and improved one, that is meant for Ubuntu 22.04. It will hopefully be finished somewhere in the next two or three weeks. Make sure to keep an eye out for that!