Here’s a recording of a podcast with an interview with Dj Paul Elstak.
Thunderdome Tattoos van Vlaamse Gabber Nick
This clip is from Spike TV. Some tattoo show, I can’t remember the name. If you like the video, you should really subscribe to my channel because YouTube wants you to do so. As you can see from the image below, I need 1000 subscribers before YouTube will start paying me money for my YouTube content. So everybody SUBSCRIBE!
u S t O o P i A in the mix – Hardcore Classics mix part 3, Hellraiser
I’m still working on some mix sets with Hardcore music from the late nineties. This is part 3, and it is mostly focused on the productions from the Hellraiser label. Set list
u S t O o P i A in the mix – Hardcore Classics mix part 2
Here is part 2 of a series that I’m working on. This set mostly contains the somewhat older songs from the early 90s. I’m slowly working my way up to the late 90s and maybe even beyond. More coming soon! Set list
u S t O o P i A in the mix – Hardcore Classics mix part 1
I don’t pretend to be a DJ or have any ambition to do so, but I do occasionally enjoy creating a mix of songs that I personally like to hear. This mix is a hardcore Gabber classics mix with mostly music from the late 90s. Set list 1 Charlie Lownoise Menthal Theo – Live At London2 Bertocucci Feranzano – XTC Love3 The Ender – Get Me Sexy4 Yves Deruyter – …